Thursday, July 3, 2008

Exchange Mailbox Limits

Configuring Exchange server mailbox limit is a cleaver move that every administrator should do to minimize monitoring on mailbox sizes, instead of going through mailboxes size list and issuing warnings to user in appliance with the local policy, you can have exchange do that for you; better yet… you can have exchange punish those who don’t comply :)
One problem you may run into is the messages itself, how users friendly are they? Because users will receive undeliverable mail once they are in violation to the policy or once they reach the configured threshold, in order to customize this message you will have to edit a DLL file called mdbsz.dll using a DLL editor, I can think of a software called resource hacker to do that.
When configuring limits at mailboxes inside your organization, it will probably be a default setting that will apply to all users, but you still can be more specific and configure specific limits to a specific user or users, to that go to active directory and use exchange general feature which will override the default settings.