Monday, June 23, 2008

Applying Computer Settings

In a windows 2003 environment were frontend backend setting is applied for exchange server for example, the booting phase where the message “Applying computer settings” appears, during this message the server will try to reach the local DNS, if for some reason that wasn’t possible the server will enter a coma and will never wake up to give you the login screen.
During my search on the internet when I first ran into this problem, all article suggested that APC UPS battery agent is the reason for the coma, while in fact I don’t have that installed because I have a centralized UPS for all the servers room and not per server, that was a dilemma since I couldn’t think of something else, I started troubleshooting the server from safe mode which actually worked, the server will reach the login screen and bypass the coma phase.
After testing various settings for some time I discovered that unplugging the network cable from the server then booting up will make the server bypass the coma and will reach the login screen, the only obvious reason was that the server looked for the DNS and couldn’t establish a logical connection, while when removing the Ethernet cable it sever the physical connection to the LAN forcing the server to use its cash which enabled the server to bypass the coma.

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